
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations          Matt. 28:19

In June of 1989, I was inspired of the Lord to Challenged the Church I was Pastoring at that time in Longmont Colorado, to send me to Minister in Mombasa and Nairobi Kenya for an American Missionary and Kenyan Pastor by the name of Philemon Wachara. It was in that trip to Kenya, the Lord put a holy desire and passion for World Evangelism in my spirit as I saw first hand, the hunger and response to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!!
 34 years later, that Vision is burning in me as bright as ever and the Lord has opened doors for Throne of Grace Ministries to have international impact thru Leadership/Pastors  Conferences, Crusade/ Revival Meetings, and Financially assisting building projects for Pastors.

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Prayer and Financial Support!!

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