Our Story

How it all started...

Transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1980, I committed my life to serving the Lord.  It was a wonderful season amongst fellow believers who had a heart to follow Jesus and make His name known around the world. While ministering within the local church, I met and married the love of my life, Peggy.  In 1985, We were  ordained through Victory Chapel Ministries, and there were three churches that we would pastor through the years in Colorado.....

Expanding the vision...

Throughout the next 42 years we dedicated ourselves to serving, growing, and learning how to be ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the help, support, and examples of so many leaders, brothers, and sisters in Christ that WE LOVE!!!
Pastors and workers

Where we are headed...

Victory Chapel Ministries was part of our journey, not the final ministry destination!! After years of encouragement from the Holy Spirit, I was looking for a change...In 2017, the Lord gave Revelation 3:8 to me during morning devotions: Opening a New Door! In 2018, I was inspired to found a non profit corporation I named "THRONE OF GRACE MINISTRIES"! During a fall Bible conference in October of 2019, the Lord directed me to establish this ministry as a full-time national and international Gospel preaching and teaching ministry through leadership conferences, churches, revivals, and crusade meetings. Through the unction and guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Living Word of GOD, new doors and nations have SPRUNG OPEN!! 

Be a part of our story...